dinsdag 14 augustus 2018

Skill Development Analysis

Good day,

Well for this one, I am going to take one of my weaknesses and talk to you about how i should improve that weakness.... or something. Why not dive into it!

I think the most important part for me to improve on is my editing. most of the other things i issued were all personality traits. And that is pretty hard to improve on... but editing is not! lucky me!

In my humble opinion the most important part about working in this field of work or in my case, trying to get a job in this field of work is versatility. I already am a pretty experienced writer, story-boarder, presenter, director and have a good amount of experience with a lot of different hardware.

Only in the digital field, the editing part, I am kind of lacking in all of that (experience and skill)... so how do i wanna tackle this life threatening issue?

Here is another list to keep it simple:

- Hard work: if i want to improve at something, whatever it is, i got to work for it
- Learn with what you got: take simple jobs and practice with software in your free time
- Internet: Nowadays all you need to know and more is on the internet. I will use that to my advantage to... well... ''git gut''.

I believe that if i keep myself to these three points i will succeed in becoming a better editor.

Good night,


Strengths & Weaknesses

Good day,

Well the title is very self explanatory, but for the ones who would not understand: i am going to brag about myself again and then continue to talk sh*t about myself. Let's get into it!

(for this i would like to focus on the less practical stuff since i already put that in my last post)

- Team player
- Takes initiative in a work situation
- Likes to learn
- fluent in: Dutch, English
- Languages i understand: German, French
- Learning right now: Spanish, Korean (yes really, no joke)
- Positive but realistic attitude

There might be some more, or maybe not but this is a good list i guess. Combined with the last post of course.

- Sometimes hard to motivate
- Need to work on my editing
- Not a great planner
- a little bit forgetfull
- a bit easily distracted sometimes

Again, there might be more, might not be more. who knows? only time and experience will tell.

I hope I gave some nice insight in my personality and work attitude for you all!

Good night,


My Current Skill Set

Good day,

So I was asked to put <insert title here> on this blog, well without further delay, here you go: enjoy reading about me bragging about myself!

- Experience with software such as: After effects, Adobe Premier Pro, LMNS, Garage Band, Photoshop, Sony Vegas, OBS Studio and a couple others.

- Experience with hardware such as: various camera's, boom mics, recorders, lighting, green screen, tripods and other relevant hardware.

- Experience with: story-boarding, working with actors, script writing, directing, working under pressure and presenting (pitching).

All my work can be found in my socials tab on the right side, you can find my YouTube channel and Twitch channel among others.

I hope this has informed everyone enough about me! you now might know me better then myself.

Good night,


Introduction & Career Goals

Good day,

My name is Luc, i am a film student at SAE Institute and aspiring Hollywood cash grabber, also, i just turned 20 years of age and am still living in the b-e-a-utiful city of The Hague.

In this post i am supposed to talk about myself and my interests, career goals and future plans... I don't really know where to start to be completely honest. I guess i'll just start at.. well... the start!

Throughout my years of living, of experiencing this world and of waking up late, there was one stable thing in my life: the love for film. I had other on and of hobby's but there are only a few things better then going to the cinema to watch my favorite movie.

So after 2 years of kind of sitting around, working here and there and reflecting on my teens i finally came to the conclusion; why not do something with the thing you love... obvious right? Well it was surprisingly hard for me to came to the conclusion of that i wanted to make it in the film industry, one way or another, Long story short: googling > open day > sign up > half a year of college and here we are. actually, now that i look back at it, the process was pretty easy. oh well!

okay, that was the past. Me writing this is the present and now for the future! let's now have a long story of sentiments and inner drives but just get strait to the point. here are my ''career goals'':

- Make it to Hollywood, doing the things I love
- Meet a lot people along the way
- Experience a lot of different cultures
- Earn some fat cash (yup)
- Inspire people with what I do
- Retire in a big ass villa in the Hollywood hills next to my then-BFF Chris Pratt

A quick Q&A about these points:

Q: But Luc, this is not realistic at  all??
A: Yes, i know that. but i do not intent it on being realistic. these are just some youngsters dreams.
Q: What do you mean by inspire?
A: I would love to make movies that present certain ideology's, movies that will ask the big questions and i hope that when someone sees something i make they will discuss it's content and not it's quality. But that is of course a very long stretch. 
Q: Why Chris Pratt?
A: The guy just seems like the coolest dude on earth.

Well that's all for now, i hope this answers the title and i am already sorry for any spelling mistakes since English is only my 2nd language.

Good night,
