dinsdag 14 augustus 2018

Skill Development Analysis

Good day,

Well for this one, I am going to take one of my weaknesses and talk to you about how i should improve that weakness.... or something. Why not dive into it!

I think the most important part for me to improve on is my editing. most of the other things i issued were all personality traits. And that is pretty hard to improve on... but editing is not! lucky me!

In my humble opinion the most important part about working in this field of work or in my case, trying to get a job in this field of work is versatility. I already am a pretty experienced writer, story-boarder, presenter, director and have a good amount of experience with a lot of different hardware.

Only in the digital field, the editing part, I am kind of lacking in all of that (experience and skill)... so how do i wanna tackle this life threatening issue?

Here is another list to keep it simple:

- Hard work: if i want to improve at something, whatever it is, i got to work for it
- Learn with what you got: take simple jobs and practice with software in your free time
- Internet: Nowadays all you need to know and more is on the internet. I will use that to my advantage to... well... ''git gut''.

I believe that if i keep myself to these three points i will succeed in becoming a better editor.

Good night,


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