dinsdag 14 augustus 2018

Strengths & Weaknesses

Good day,

Well the title is very self explanatory, but for the ones who would not understand: i am going to brag about myself again and then continue to talk sh*t about myself. Let's get into it!

(for this i would like to focus on the less practical stuff since i already put that in my last post)

- Team player
- Takes initiative in a work situation
- Likes to learn
- fluent in: Dutch, English
- Languages i understand: German, French
- Learning right now: Spanish, Korean (yes really, no joke)
- Positive but realistic attitude

There might be some more, or maybe not but this is a good list i guess. Combined with the last post of course.

- Sometimes hard to motivate
- Need to work on my editing
- Not a great planner
- a little bit forgetfull
- a bit easily distracted sometimes

Again, there might be more, might not be more. who knows? only time and experience will tell.

I hope I gave some nice insight in my personality and work attitude for you all!

Good night,


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