dinsdag 14 augustus 2018

Introduction & Career Goals

Good day,

My name is Luc, i am a film student at SAE Institute and aspiring Hollywood cash grabber, also, i just turned 20 years of age and am still living in the b-e-a-utiful city of The Hague.

In this post i am supposed to talk about myself and my interests, career goals and future plans... I don't really know where to start to be completely honest. I guess i'll just start at.. well... the start!

Throughout my years of living, of experiencing this world and of waking up late, there was one stable thing in my life: the love for film. I had other on and of hobby's but there are only a few things better then going to the cinema to watch my favorite movie.

So after 2 years of kind of sitting around, working here and there and reflecting on my teens i finally came to the conclusion; why not do something with the thing you love... obvious right? Well it was surprisingly hard for me to came to the conclusion of that i wanted to make it in the film industry, one way or another, Long story short: googling > open day > sign up > half a year of college and here we are. actually, now that i look back at it, the process was pretty easy. oh well!

okay, that was the past. Me writing this is the present and now for the future! let's now have a long story of sentiments and inner drives but just get strait to the point. here are my ''career goals'':

- Make it to Hollywood, doing the things I love
- Meet a lot people along the way
- Experience a lot of different cultures
- Earn some fat cash (yup)
- Inspire people with what I do
- Retire in a big ass villa in the Hollywood hills next to my then-BFF Chris Pratt

A quick Q&A about these points:

Q: But Luc, this is not realistic at  all??
A: Yes, i know that. but i do not intent it on being realistic. these are just some youngsters dreams.
Q: What do you mean by inspire?
A: I would love to make movies that present certain ideology's, movies that will ask the big questions and i hope that when someone sees something i make they will discuss it's content and not it's quality. But that is of course a very long stretch. 
Q: Why Chris Pratt?
A: The guy just seems like the coolest dude on earth.

Well that's all for now, i hope this answers the title and i am already sorry for any spelling mistakes since English is only my 2nd language.

Good night,


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Here are the points From Daddy to Luc,

    Skills: Please give me a definition of Editor,remainder good start

    Strength & Weaknesses: agree fully, you probably can invent more, but good start

    Current Skills: I believe that....

    Career goals: nice to read, good start, alway go for the highest but make that clear in you text...

    Overall: I am proud to be your daddy, often being impatient, but now seeing results, be realistic! no typo's found other than real typo's..

  2. IK heb nu foto geplaatst, even checken....
